Order and Beauty creates
working spaces that work,
and resting spaces that are restful.
Order and Beauty creates
working spaces that work,
and resting spaces that are restful.
45 minutes — Complimentary, no charge.
Please read the suggested guidelines and carefully consider which rate makes the most sense for you. All the circumstances need not apply. I trust my clients to choose what rate makes sense for them, while also thinking about the value of my time and effort. I gladly work at every tier! Feel free to contact me to discuss.
The sliding scale pricing system is a simple yet powerful method for creating a business grounded in inclusivity. Fees are based on the client’s financial situation, instead of a fixed price that applies to everyone. Sliding scales bring goods or services to everyone in a fair and unbiased way. It’s a strategy that welcomes everyone.
No matter what your payment level is, you will receive my full attention and all of my resources, no exceptions. In every case I will keep your budget in mind, making sure that the time we spend is as productive as possible.
Annual household income: less than $35,000
You frequently struggle to pay your bills
You may have several people who depend on you for financial support
Your debt is overwhelming
Annual household income: $65,000 or less
You often struggle to pay your bills
You may have dependents
Your debt can sometimes feel overwhelming
Annual household income: $95,000 or less
You are living paycheck to paycheck but don’t struggle to pay bills
You may have one or two people dependent on you for financial support
your debt does not feel overwhelming
Annual household income: $125,000 or less
You do not struggle with bills or financial stability
You may have less debt than assets
Annual household income: more than $125,000
You would like to help cover the cost for those who are in financial need
You have more assets than debt
You are very financially stable
20 – 40 hours — receive a 10% discount
40+ hours — receive a 20% discount
$35 / hour — For travel time that takes longer than 30 minutes.
““If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” ”